Vegetarian diets consist of abstaining from meat or seafood. However, vegans also do not partake in any animal-derived products. Therefore, eggs are not vegan because they are derived from animals. Chickens lay eggs, and the egg is used to produce the chicken. Thus, the egg contains all the necessary nutrients to grow a new chicken. This includes cholesterol, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Keep on reading if you want to know why eggs are not vegan.
Chickens are kept in deplorable conditions on factory farms. They are confined to tiny wire cages where they can barely move. Their beaks are cut off, so they don’t peck each other to death from the stress of their living conditions. Male chicks are ground up alive because they don’t lay eggs or eat eggs and aren’t big enough to be used for meat production.
The chickens are fed an unnatural diet of grains and soybeans that contain GMOs and growth hormones. They are also given antibiotics to keep them alive in crowded and unsanitary conditions.
See this article to learn more about the differences between Vegan and Vegetarian: Vegan vs. Vegetarian vs. Pescatarian: A 2022 Guide.

When the chickens finally reach slaughter weight, they are crammed into trucks and transported to slaughterhouses. They are hung upside down by their feet and have their throats slit. However, some of them are still alive when they are dropped into the scalding water used to remove their feathers.
Eggs are not vegan because of how the chickens are treated and the horrific conditions they are kept in. Many vegans do not eat eggs and consume eggs, as Chickens are sentient beings that feel pain and suffering just like we do. They deserve to be treated with compassion and respect, not raised for food in cruel conditions. The egg industry needs a free range of egg-laying hens to produce eggs suitable for the vegan lifestyle.
Vegan Alternatives of Egg
There are many vegan alternatives to eggs. For example, you can use tofu, ripe bananas, ground flaxseeds, chia seeds, aquafaba, and more. There are also many commercial egg replacers available on the market.
Tofu – Tofu is made from soybeans, and it has a similar texture to eggs. It can be used in scrambles, quiches, omelets, and baking recipes.
Ripe Banana – Ripe bananas can be an egg replacement in baking recipes. They add sweetness and moisture to the recipe.
Ground Flaxseed – Ground flaxseeds can be egg replacement in recipes. Just combine 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed with 3 tablespoons of water and let it sit for a few minutes.
Chia Seeds – Chia seeds can be egg replacement in recipes. Just combine 1 tablespoon of chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water and let it sit for a few minutes.
Aquafaba – Aquafaba is the liquid from a can of chickpeas. It can be used as an egg replacer in meringues, mayonnaise, and ice cream recipes.
Commercial Egg Replacers – Many commercial egg replacers are available on the market. These are made from potato starch, tapioca flour, and arrowroot powder. They can be used in scrambles, quiches, omelets, and baking recipes.

Eggs are not vegan because they come from chickens. Chickens are sentient beings that feel pain and suffering just like we do. They deserve to be treated with compassion and respect, not raised for food in inhumane conditions. There are many vegan alternatives to eggs that you can use in recipes. For example, you can use tofu, ripe bananas, ground flaxseeds, chia seeds, aquafaba, etc. There are also many commercial egg replacers available on the market. Choose vegan alternatives to eggs and help make a difference for chickens everywhere.