For some people, it’s religious or ethical. For others, it’s curiosity. Whatever the reason people stop eating meat, there are undeniably some physiological changes in the human body. We’re going to look at nine of the things that happen when you adopt a plant-based diet.
1. Weight Loss
When meat disappears from your diet, around 10 lb will disappear from your waistline. Your body will process its food differently, so you don’t need to count calories or crank up your workout program.
2. The population of good bacteria in your gut will increase
There’s a difference between the gut flora of people who eat meat and the gut flora of vegetarians. The people who only eat vegetables have more protective bacteria. But this doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time for the gut Flora to reorganize and improve.
The first few days will be accompanied by bloating and quite a bit of flatulence because your gut and pancreas are adapting to the new diet and coping with an enzyme deficiency.
3. Your skin will look better
Acne, pimples, and blackheads seem to persist into adulthood for many people. Part of the answer might be cutting meat out of the diet. New vegetarians notice that the quality and the appearance of their skin increase dramatically. Scientists say that toxins are flushed out of your system if you replace meat with fruits and vegetables. Having been rid of all those poisons, your skin carries a healthier glow.
4. You’ll have more energy
One of the most significant benefits of a plant-based diet is that you don’t get tired quickly. Some have even said that they have to have a good workout if they’re going to feel exhausted by the end of the day. It’s not a surprise because a vegetarian diet helps you get rid of weight and toxins, and your body isn’t working so hard to process animal protein.
5. Reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases
The link between red meat and cardiovascular disease is nothing new. The carnitine in red meat triggers chemical reactions that negatively affect our hearts. Vegetarians are also found to have a lower risk of diabetes, hypertension, colorectal, and stomach cancer.
6. Lowered cholesterol levels
There are plenty of medicines on the market designed to lower your cholesterol, but like any medicine, there’s a host of side effects. You can reduce your cholesterol effectively with zero side effects by adopting a vegetarian diet. If you have atherosclerosis, it’s strongly recommended that you at least try a vegetable diet.
7. There’s a possibility of nutritional deficiencies
It’s so easy to pounce on all the adverse effects of eating red meat that we might forget to acknowledge that our bodies do get something from the meat we consume. Our bodies have been accustomed to getting our supply of iodine, iron, vitamin D, and B12 from animal protein. To suddenly cut meat out from our diet calls for action on our part to find other sources.
The meat in our diet should be replaced with a sufficient amount of legumes: beans and lentils, nuts, fruit, dark green vegetables, whole grain products, and cereals. This will restore the balance. And there’s nothing anti-vegetarian about using vitamins and supplements.
8. You may lose your sense of taste
Don’t worry. It’s nothing permanent. An essential part of your taste sensations is zinc. There are high zinc levels in oysters and red meat, so vegetarians have to get their zinc from another source. Navy beans, nuts, whole grain products, and dairy products are plentiful alternative sources of zinc. It’s worth noting that, on average, vegetarians need as much as 50% more zinc with their food per day.
9. Increased recovery time for muscles after exercise
One of the positives about meat for sure is how it helps recover after a workout. Plant proteins need more time to assist with repairing muscle tissue. Nutritionists advise that vegetarian and vegan athletes consume protein right after their workout because this increases how easily and quickly it’s absorbed.