Algae – Why It’s Good for You and How to Incorporate It into Your Diet

For most of us, algae grows in a garden pond or takes over a paddling pool in the summer.


What you might not know is that many types are edible, and pound for pound, they are nutrient-dense superfoods with a ton of benefits.


Once upon a time, we would have had more algae naturally in our diets – so let’s have a look at just why algae is good for you and explore some ways to include it in your diet.


Algae, The Nutritional Powerhouse

While an unexpected food to consider, algae is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, as well as omega-3. This makes algae a great dietary addition for vegans and vegetarians.


Being so rich in nutrients, it is already on the market in the following popular forms; spirulina, chlorella, and seaweed. Research suggests that the protein content of algae exceeds eggs by around 13% but the protein content isn’t the only nutritional gain.


Essential Nutrients


In addition to high-protein levels, algae, such as spirulina, is packed with iron and B vitamins.


Spirulina is one of the most well-known edible algae and a powerful antioxidant. It is rich in iron and contains iodine, which supports thyroid health.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids


When we think of essential omega-3 fatty acids, we immediately think of fish – but where do you reckon they’re getting their omega-3 from?


Algae is a great source of these heart-and-brain-assisting fatty acids, and if you follow a strict plant-based diet, it’s a great way to get this nutritional essential.


It’s a plant-based way to increase your omega-3 intake, which is crucial for supporting cardiovascular health, cognitive function, and reducing inflammation in the body.


Algae Health Benefits

The specific health benefits of algae can affect a variety of aspects, helping to keep guts healthy, detox, and give your immune system a much-needed boost. Let’s take a closer look.

Immune System Support


Algae’s anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants help support and maintain a healthy immune system. Supplementing your diet with spirulina improves immuno-response, which is great for fighting a cold or dealing with chronic inflammation, such as arthritis.


Detoxing Effects


Algae can also help “detox” and flush the body. One algae, chlorella, is proving particularly useful for clearing the body of toxins and heavy metals.


Better Gut Health


Algae also helps with healthy gut bacteria because it contains crucial prebiotics and fiber. These prebiotics feed the bacteria needed for regular digestion, improving your well-being. Seaweed is especially good for aiding digestion.


Ways To Include Algae In Your Diet

Thinking about adding algae is less intimidating than it sounds. It is already on the market in a variety of easy-to-incorporate forms.


Powdered Spirulina

Powdered spirulina is one of the easiest ways to incorporate algae into your diet. By stirring a teaspoon into your favorite fruit or vegetable smoothie, you take care of 11% of your daily iron requirements. It tastes great with bananas and mangoes.




As one of the algae most recognized as a culinary ingredient, seaweed is a little more versatile. You can use it for sushi rolls or make crispy seaweed snacks. You can buy it dried to rehydrate in soups or crush over salads.


Algae Oils


It is also available as a plant-based omega-3 oil, which can be cooked with or drizzled over dishes. It is a great vegan alternative to fish oil, and it has a more neutral taste—fish oil can be overpowering.


Chlorella Supplements


If you aren’t big on smoothies and don’t fancy cooking anything, a chlorella supplement in tablet form is a great way to detox and can be taken at meal times to aid digestion.


While it might seem unexpected, algae packs a nutrient-dense punch that matches other great health foods. It is relatively easy to sneak into a diet, especially if you opt for supplements or powdered forms.


The health benefits of the odd but mighty superfood make it well worth trying and it is pretty easy to add to your diet or daily routine.


The popularity of chlorella and spirulina is on the rise, and algae-eating is being normalized.


However, it hasn’t cottoned on everywhere yet so to get ahold of some good-quality algae might require a reliable VPN, especially if you’re looking to find better prices online.


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