The Importance of Breakfast: Quick and Healthy Options for Students

Mom, I’m in a hurry, got a class early morning, don’t have time for breakfast, bye.’ Relatable? But what follows is a lack of concentration, too much fatigue and a horrible day. While most of you feel skipping breakfast at times will not harm anyone, it actually ruins your entire day. There are reasons your parents force you to sit and have your breakfast before going to school or college. 

Can I pay someone to do my assignment? I am too tired to work on it.’ This is a common thing among students across all levels. The reason is they are always low on energy and rely on junk food more than the healthier ones. Despite the proven fact that breakfast gives energy to start the day, 27% of adolescents skip breakfast almost every day. 

As most of you are ignorant and choose to skip breakfast, give this blog a read. Here, we will explore the benefits of having breakfast and how it can change your day. Know them before you say no to breakfast again tomorrow. 

  • Energy

After you wake up from your sleep, your body is ready to receive some food to re-energise and start the day with a fresh mind. The ones who skip breakfast, thinking it is a waste of time, face a lot of problems going forward. Breakfast is the best way to provide the lost energy to your body and start your day on a higher note. However, it is not good to eat junk food for breakfast. Keep some healthy options like egg whites, bread, oats, etc., followed by a bowl of fruits. It will help you confront various problems throughout the day. All of us need to be prepared for the challenges and make sure that the day starts well. 

  • Improved Concentration

Can you concentrate on anything when you are hungry? Definitely not. You will invariably think of different foods and ignore whatever is going on around you. Breakfast gives you the chance to remove all these problems and work on projects or attend classes with full concentration. This meal provides the nutrients necessary for the brain to function properly. It is, therefore, crucial to start your day with a healthy breakfast. You cannot afford to miss classes or get distracted by anything while working on projects. So, the best way to do so is to start your day with breakfast. 

  • Better Grades

Breakfast can help you improve your grades. It might sound funny, but it’s true. Research showed that students who eat school breakfast achieved 17.5% higher scores than those who did not eat. As mentioned earlier, breakfast provides the right nutrients to the brain and boosts its functioning. So, you are able to focus on your lessons well and be fully prepared for your exams. You will not feel tired and be prompt to answer all questions that come your way. 

  • Better Attendance

Most of you do not like to attend school. The reason is the massive pressure, homework stress and waking up early to reach school on time. Adding on to these, if you don’t eat your breakfast, you will face health issues and will automatically miss school. Breakfast gives you the energy to get up and face the hurdles. As a consequence, you never miss school and have better attendance than others.

While the benefits are enough to convince you to have your breakfast, daily schedules and classes might not allow you to follow a healthy routine. To avoid any such situations, consider following these tips to make ends meet: 

  • Go to bed early
  • When possible, eat breakfast with your family
  • Think outside the common breakfast options
  • Make the preparation the night before
  • Keep grab-and-go foods available

Food habit is something all of us need to work on. Most of us are always in a hurry and do not get enough rest. However, all of these must not affect our food habits. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you must eat it to have a great day ahead. 


It does not matter if you have time or not; you must never skip breakfast. If you are late to school or college, grab something on the way and have it when you are going to school. Understand how it helps in boosting your energy and overall performance. Keep things that you like to eat so that you don’t avoid having breakfast. Make a routine, and keep the time for proper rest so that you don’t wake up late and rush to school without having food. 

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